Govt mulls adding video function to ‘IAM Connect’ app: Cheong

2024-01-10 02:38
BY Ginnie Liang

Secretary for Administration and Justice André Cheong Weng Chon said yesterday that he will study the possibility of adding a video complaint function to the Municipal Affairs Bureau’s (IAM) “IAM Connect” mobile app.

Cheong made the remarks during an oral interpellation plenary session yesterday in the legislature’s hemicycle, adding that he understood that in many cases, it was difficult to report a case by taking photos only, such as water dripping from air-conditioners.

Cheong said the government would enhance the function of reviewing the follow-up to the complaints on the app, so that members of the public can monitor what happens to their complaints.

Quoting IAM statistics, Cheong said that from January to November, “IAM Connect” had received a total of 9,672 complaints and other messages from members of the public, over 80 percent of which were dealt with within three days, such as those relating to street littering and problematic foodstuffs.

Cheong noted that more than 85 percent of the “IAM Connect” users’ ratings were above three stars, 68 percent of which were five-star ratings, indicating that the users generally approve of the service. Five stars are the rating system’s top satisfaction with the system.

Govt to expand cloud-computing centre

During yesterday’s plenary session, Cheong also said that the government would expand the service of the city’s cloud-computing centre to enhance administrative efficiency.

Cheong noted the city’s cloud-computing centre includes a data resource platform with standardised operational guidelines to provide uniform specifications and tools for data sharing among public departments.

Cheong said that the government will gradually consolidate the resources of some public entities that require a relatively small computational volume of computer applications, and use the cloud-computing centre to manage the resources centrally.

Public entities with a larger volume of information, Cheong added, such as the Finance Services Bureau (DSF), the Transport Bureau (DSAT) and the Identification Services Bureau (DSI), will manage the resources themselves. 

Secretary for Administration and Justice André Cheong Weng Chon addresses yesterday’s oral interpellation plenary session in the legislature’s hemicycle.
– Photo courtesy of TDM


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