VR tours available for 4 more heritage sites: IC

2024-02-09 03:40
BY Ginnie Liang

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) has introduced online virtual reality (VR) tours for four more of Macau’s UNESCO World Heritage sites, the bureau said in a statement yesterday.

The newly available sites comprise the Dom Pedro V Theatre, Mount Fortress, Sir Robert Ho Tung Library Building, the headquarters of the Municipal Affairs Bureau (ex-Leal Senado), the statement noted.

The statement said that the sites’ virtual tours are now available to the public and can be accessed by visiting the IC Online Virtual Tours website at https://vr.icm.gov.mo.

Two “distinct online experiences”, according to the statement, are also featured, which are the “Interactive Scenic Area” and the “Interactive Exhibits”. The experiences are provided in Cantonese, Putonghua, English, and Portuguese.

The statement said that the bureau now provides online VR tours for a total of 17 Macau’s UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Viewers of the online exhibition can browse architectural details and high-definition photos, listen to audio tours and read the respective written explanations by clicking parts of the buildings and exhibits, the statement added. Moreover, the statement said that using VR glasses can also enhance the visitors’ experience of the online tours.

Through the online tours, the statement underlined, the participants can visit Macau’s World Heritage online at any time and from anywhere in the world, adding that they can also enjoy a 360-degree tour of the scenic spots without ever leaving home and gain “a better remote touring experience” of the sites with innovative technology. 

This image provided by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) yesterday shows the Sir Robert Ho Tung Library Building in a virtual reality (VR) view.


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