Police nab drunken motorbike rider wobbling along road

2024-03-07 03:12
BY William Chan

A local man has been arrested for drunk driving, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Wong Chi Weng said during a regular press conference yesterday.

The suspect in his thirties is surnamed Lei. He withheld information about his occupation from the police.

According to Wong, at around 4 a.m. on Tuesday, while on patrol in Avenida Norte do Hipódromo, the police noticed a motorcycle wobbling and the rider’s helmet falling to the ground. The police intercepted him near Rotunda da Amizade, and a breathalyser test detected his alcohol concentration as 2.31 grammes of alcohol per litre of blood.

Wong noted that Lei refused to provide his personal information to the police after being intercepted, despite repeated warnings. 

Lei has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing drunk-driving and disobedience charges, Wong said. 


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