The balance of fate and free will in crafting one’s path

2024-04-08 03:00
BY Ho Chon Teng, S6A

There has long been debate around the interplay between fate and free will in shaping the course of human lives. While some believe we are bound to predetermined paths set from birth, others argue we forge our own destinies through independent will and action. In reality, both forces likely play a role in life’s unfolding story. As with many philosophical discussions, finding a balance between opposing viewpoints often brings the greatest wisdom.

We are each born into unique circumstances and inherit certain advantages or hardships outside our control. Our families, upbringings, innate talents, and starting points in life are fatefully determined before we have a say. Like characters in a novel, our basic attributes and backdrops are established by the author from the onset. However, the plot is far from written – how we choose to respond to what is handed, the efforts we apply, and the decisions we make to write new chapters each day.

While small pleasures and daily diversions may be suitably left to the whims of chance, attaining meaningful milestones requires diligent planning and direction of one’s energies. Graduating from high school and achieving career or relationship goals are not likely outcomes of drifting aimlessly wherever the tides of fate carry us. Sure, serendipity can play a role and present opportunities, but structured preparation and initiative are often necessities for realising ambitions and making the most of our inherent potentials. Luck is certainly a factor in life, but as the saying goes, luck favours the prepared mind. Those who have accomplished great things did not simply stumble upon success by floating downstream – they worked tirelessly to place themselves in positions to seize chances when they arose.

Take graduating high school as an example. While a student’s innate intellect and work ethic are predetermined aspects, actually earning a diploma demands years of concerted effort and discipline. It is not enough to just passively attend classes and hope things fall into place. One must proactively study for exams, complete assignments, and fulfil all graduation requirements according to a planned schedule. Staying on track to finish school requires a degree of organisation, time management, and goal-setting that does not happen by drifting wherever the current takes you. The same applies to achieving other milestones like getting accepted to a preferred college, landing a dream job, or buying a first home. Significant accomplishments demand assertive guidance along with a fair measure of fortune.

Perhaps the healthiest approach is recognising that we are both authors shaping and characters shaped by the story of our lives. We cannot control the setting or first few pages given to us, but gain empowerment in consciously steering the plot’s unfolding however we choose going forward. While some signposts along the journey may be fated, the route we take between them and the ultimate destination upon arrival is ours to map out. In this way, we harmonise the inevitable rhythms of destiny with the proactive shaping of our own destinies.

Photo courtesy by Unsplash


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