Coupons for ‘Weekend Consumer Rewards in Northern District’ to remain limited to a week: INCA

2024-04-11 03:22
BY Ginnie Liang

Yesterday’s current affairs phone-in programme hosted by Ou Mun Tin Toi, the Chinese-language radio channel of public broadcaster TDM, discussed the ongoing “North District Consumer Carnival”, during which Industry and Commerce Association of Macau (INCA) Vice President Ieong Weng Keong discussed the issue whether coupons should only be used during the weekend of the same week consumers get them.

According to Ieong, the number of businesses participating in the promotion activity reached 1,000 during the first three weeks, and he cited the data from F&B businesses in the northern district showing that they have recorded a 20 to 30 percent increase in sales.

A female caller surnamed Wong said that as the redeeming period for the consumption discounts is limited to the weekend of the same week they get the discount, she suggested that the redeeming period should be extended, making the discount available until the next weekend.

Ieong said that the current limitation was due to a particular cycle in business operations, and that if the redeeming period were to be extended, the effect of reviving the economy in the northern district might not be so instant, adding that the decision was made combining the considerations of the business sector and the government. Therefore, he indicated, the limitation would remain in place.

Ieong also said that the northern district is only a trial spot, and he did not rule out the possibility of extending the promotion activity to other districts too, if consumers’ reaction and the statistics from the business sector in the northern district are good.

A male caller surnamed Chan said he believed that the quality of products provided by local SMEs is “worse” than those in the mainland while local prices are more expensive, because of which more residents prefer to spend in the mainland rather than in Macau.

During yesterday’s programme, Federal General Commercial Association of Macau Small and Medium Enterprises President Fong Kin Fu pointed out that residents’ consumption mode had already changed, especially during weekends and long holidays.

Fong attributed the phenomenon to the convenience of travelling between Macau and the mainland, as there are two border checkpoints in the northern districts, therefore, he said, local SMEs should think of new ways to attract residents to consume locally.

Fong also encouraged SMEs to understand local consumers’ needs, adding that only with the joint effort of local businesses and consumers could the community economies’ current difficulties be solved. 

Industry and Commerce Association of Macau (INCA) Vice President Ieong Weng Keong (left) and Federal General Commercial Association of Macau Small and Medium Enterprises President Fong Kin Fu pose during yesterday’s current affairs phone-in programme hosted by Ou Mun Tin Toi. – Photo courtesy of TDM


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