UM, BOC entrepreneur contest invites applications

2024-04-17 03:10
BY Rui Pastorin

The University of Macau (UM) said in a statement yesterday that the inaugural “University of Macau & Bank of China Trophy UltiMater* Entrepreneur Competition” is now open for applications until May 28.

With a prize pool of over 110,000 patacas, the statement noted that the contest aims to “identify potential technology and innovation projects” in fields such as big data/artificial intelligence (AI), robotics/smart manufacturing and new materials, the statement said.

The statement added that the competition, organised by UM’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) and sponsored by Bank of China (BOC) Macau Branch, aims to “propel universities’ commercialisation of research results and to promote communication, exchange, and business connections between higher education institutions and industries, investors, the government” and civil organisations in the Greater Bay Area (GBA).

Students studying in local higher education institutions and Macau residents studying at higher education institutions outside Macau can participate in the contest in teams, according to the statement.

The statement said that the top three teams and the winning teams of the outstanding prizes have a chance to be incubated at CIE and access incubation services valued at over 150,000 patacas. CIE will also recommend outstanding resident companies to apply for the Funding Scheme for Industry-University-Research Partnership for Enterprises launched by the Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT).

For applications, visit, while details are on For enquiries, call 8822 4619 or 8822 9219, or email 

*Literally translated, “Ulti Mater” means “last mother” in Latin

This poster provided by the University of Macau (UM) yesterday promotes the upcoming University of Macau & Bank of China Trophy UltiMater Entrepreneur Competition.


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