Destiny or Empowerment

2024-04-22 03:32
BY Cheong Hei Tong

In recent years, I have found myself contemplating a philosophical question: Who am I? It is a well-known fact that our backgrounds and appearances are predetermined, and we lack the ability to easily change or choose them. We often differentiate ourselves based on our outlooks and behaviours. But how do we define ourselves beyond these aspects?

The majority of society argues that our lives are predetermined, and I tend to agree with them to some extent. Optimistic individuals might claim that we hold our own destinies in our hands. However, when we look at the world, we see that wealth inequality still persists in this modern society. The poor struggle to maintain even the most basic standard of living with their low incomes, and many are unable to find employment, not to mention the issue of widespread homelessness. How can they alter their fates when education remains unaffordable? Ultimately, they lack the incentives and opportunities to develop critical thinking skills.

Yet, does this mean we can never take control of our own path and future? Many things have been predetermined by our birth, making significant changes challenging. However, going with the flow and remaining in our comfort zones is undesirable. Many simply find it difficult to truly live their own lives.

Considering the aforementioned example, it becomes crucial to cherish what we have and seize each opportunity we receive. Staying within the confines of our comfort zones will never lead to personal growth. Furthermore, individuals who possess self-motivation and ambition are often more successful because they genuinely exude enthusiasm for their goals and future plans. As humans, we should not be easily swayed; instead, we should uncover our own definition of life. Once we can live authentically, regardless of outward similarities, our inner selves will remain unique. It is the true essence of “I” that resides deep within our souls sets us apart.

Even small changes have the potential to accumulate into significant transformations. In the journey of self-discovery, it is important to remember that our uniqueness extends beyond our inner selves and encompasses the way we navigate and respond to the external world. By acknowledging our capacity for self-determination and embracing the power within us, we can forge our own paths and leave an indelible mark on the world. We transcend the boundaries of fate and embrace the boundless potential of our empowered selves.

Photo courtesy by Unsplash


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