Sound, stable China-US ties need consensus and actions

2024-04-24 02:53
BY admin


        BEIJING – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will begin today his second China visit in less than a year. His first stop is Shanghai, where the historic Shanghai Communiqué was issued 52 years ago.

This document marked the inception of normalized relations between China and the United States. It demonstrated that two major countries with distinct social systems could find common ground and strive for peaceful coexistence.

As a major follow-up to the recent phone talks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden, Blinken’s visit is expected to help stabilize bilateral relations in the spirit of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, as embodied in the Communique.

There has been a notable shift in the bilateral dynamic since his last visit in June 2023, reflecting a departure from a historic low point a year ago.

Bilateral relations is beginning to stabilize after the San Francisco summit between the two heads of state last year. However, plenty of animosity remains, primarily fueled by Washington’s adherence to a zero-sum mindset and framing China as a threat.

A healthy and stable China-US relationship requires the right perception of each other and tangible actions from both sides, consistent with the consensus of two heads of state.

The relationship between China and the United States has encountered substantial headwinds in recent years. Blame US politicians, whose perceptions of China as a long-term strategic competitor and “most consequential geopolitical challenge” are deeply flawed.

Rather than seeing China as a “legitimate contender,” as recently argued by the online news magazine The Diplomat, Washington’s fear of China’s growth has passed the point of rationality.

This irrational fear of China’s growth has led Washington to adopt increasingly antagonistic policies and rhetoric, further straining bilateral relations.

Undoubtedly, there is competition between China and the United States, particularly in economic and trade area. However, China does not accept the notion that their ties should be solely defined by competition, as this narrative does not encapsulate the entirety or essence of the world’s most important bilateral relationship.

Meanwhile, any competition must have clear boundaries and be fair. It should be conducted within established rules and refrain from undermining the developmental capacities and legitimate rights of others. China aspires to healthy competition that fosters mutual improvement, not rivalry aimed at mutual destruction.

Blinken’s forthcoming visit to China follows closely on the heels of US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s second trip to China within a year. In fact, since the San Francisco summit, China and the United States have engaged in significant exchanges across multiple levels and fields, with the two militaries resuming communication and dialogues.

China remains committed to open dialogue and communication with the United States. However, Washington must recognize that dialogue must be based on equality and respect, and actions must align with words. Engaging in one-sided lecturing or manipulating from a position of strength will not lead to constructive dialogue with China.

Based on equality and mutual respect, China is willing to cooperate more with the United States. However, it is unrealistic for Washington to anticipate unconditional cooperation from China while simultaneously undermining China’s core interests.

The Taiwan question is at the heart of China’s core interests, and the one-China principle is the cornerstone of the political foundation for China-US relations. The US side must adhere to the one-China principle and the provisions in the three China-US joint communiqués, prudently and properly handle Taiwan-related issues, and turn USPresident Joe Biden’s commitment not to support “Taiwan independence” into concrete actions.

Blinken’s visit comes at a time of joint drills between the United States and the Philippines in the South China Sea, an unnecessarily provocative display of military power that only exacerbates regional tensions. Washington’s recent claim of “ironclad” defense commitment to the Philippines has sent a wrong message and emboldened the Philippines’ confrontational approach.

China firmly opposes the US meddling in the South China Sea issue and sowing discord between China and its neighbors. China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests are inviolable, and China is firm in its resolve to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.

As permanent members of the UN Security Council and the two largest economies, China and the United States bear special responsibility for maintaining international peace and security.

Amid the prolonged Ukraine crisis, China upholds an objective and impartial position, actively promoting peace talks and political resolutions while committing to constructive engagement. Washington, however, must confront its role in exacerbating the crisis and stop incessant and baseless blame-shifting against China.

The trajectory of China-US relations carries profound implications for the welfare of both nations’ people and the global community. Despite mutual aversion to confrontation, the imperative now lies in translating this consensus into substantive actions. 

– Xinhua


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