‘Travel & Learn’ Itinerary Planning Competition calls for submissions

2024-04-29 02:39
BY Yuki Lei

The Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) launched yesterday its “Travel & Learn” Itinerary Planning Competition, calling for the creation of itineraries for a three-day study tour of Macau by senior high school students, as well as members of the public aged at least 18, based on three themes – “National Education”, “Juxtaposition of Old and New”, and “Cultural Exploration”.

In her opening remarks during a press conference about the contest, MGTO Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes said that students and other members of the public are encouraged to make great use of Macau’s tourism and its study tour resources to design a three-day itinerary that combines learning with a tourist experience, so as to explore the potential of study tours in Macau to promote “Tourism + Education” cross-sector integration and thereby fostering the diversified development of Macau’s tourism industry.

It is believed that the contestants will gain a better understanding of Macau’s culture and history during the process of their preparations for the competition, Senna Fernandes said, adding she hoped that through the competition, ideas will be pooled to create study tours that can experience Macau’s rich culture and history and offer learning significance, thus enhancing Macau’s attractiveness and influence as a study tour destination.

According to yesterday’s press conference, which took place on the sidelines of the 12th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo (MITE) at The Venetian Macao’s Cotai Expo, the “National Education” themed submissions should revolve around learning about the historical development of “red culture”* in Macau, the relationship between the country and Macau and the implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle; “Juxtaposition of Old and New” should explore Macau’s UNESCO-listed World Heritage Historic Centre and the city’s integrated resorts (IR), address their significance to Macau’s tourism industry and the importance of sustainable development; while “Cultural Exploration” should provide insight into the value, protection and heritage of Macau’s various cultures, such as gastronomy, festivities and traditional arts and crafts, as well as the impact of museums on society and culture.

F4 to F6 Students studying in Macau and individuals aged 18 or above are invited to take part in the student group or general group competitions, and their submissions must include a description of the itinerary, learning activities, information on accommodation and meals, means of transport and their budget for expenses, the press conference noted, adding that interested parties can join the contest individually or in teams of two to five members, while members of student teams must attend the same school and may request the guidance and support of a teacher, competing for the gold, silver and bronze prizes as well as seven honourable mentions amounting to 10,000 patacas, 7,500 patacas, 5,000 patacas and 3,000 patacas in the student group, while gold, silver and bronze prizes and seven honourable mentions amounting to 20,000 patacas, 15,000 patacas, 10,000 patacas and 6,000 patacas in the general group. The competition entry is open until July 28.

The press conference highlighted that the language used by the competitors’ proposals must be either Chinese or Portuguese, Macau’s two official languages, irrespective of the fact that the central government has designated Macau as a World Centre for Leisure and Tourism, English being the world’s top tourism language, in Southeast Asia, the main source of Macau’s foreign visitors, in particular. 

*The term ‘red culture’ refers to the culture associated with the New China created by the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Tourism sector representatives launch the Macau Government Tourism Office’s (MGTO) “Travel & Learn” Itinerary Planning Competition on the last day of the three-day 12th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo (MITE) at The Venetian Macao’s Cotai Expo yesterday, including MGTO Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes (fifth from right).
– Photo: Yuki Lei


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