Most young internet users go to YouTube for entertainment: survey

2024-05-01 03:22
BY Ginnie Liang

Findings of the Macao Residents’ Internet Usage Trend Report 2024 released yesterday showed that local residents’ internet access rate was maintained at 93 percent, while the main purpose of internet access was for leisure and entertainment, with YouTube being the most frequently used by minors aged 6-17, while almost all internet users used social media, with WeChat being the social media used by the largest number of internet users.

The Macau Internet Research Association (MAIR) released yesterday its 22nd report on the trend of internet usage among Macau residents, which was conducted among a random sample of 1,502 eligible residents aged 6-84.

The findings also showed that the awareness rate of generative AI (artificial intelligence) is 64 percent, up 14 percent from last year, but the usage rate is only 27 percent.

In addition, the survey found that 58 percent of internet users believe that the safety level of internet privacy in Macau is high, with young people and students having higher confidence in internet security, while older people are more worried, with nearly half of the internet users saying that they have encountered problems with internet security, with internet fraud being the most common.

Members of the public can read and download the full version of the Macao Residents’ Internet Usage Trend Report 2024 at 

This is the cover page of the Macao Residents’ Internet Usage Trend Report 2024 downloaded yesterday from the Macau Internet Research Association (MAIR) website.


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