Fire Services Bureau Open Day draws huge crowds

2024-05-13 03:18
BY Yuki Lei

The Fire Services Bureau (CB) held its first post-pandemic Open Day, yesterday with a vehicle extrication drill and booth games, as well as a display of various types of rescue vehicles, equipment and tools, at its headquarters as well as in Sai Van Lake Square, attracting a large number of parents and their children to the event. 

CB Commissioner Leong Iok Sam said: “The Open Day provides a platform for members of the public to interact with the Fire Services Bureau, helping them gain a better understanding of the daily work of firefighters and paramedics, as well as various rescue vehicles, equipment and tools, enhancing public awareness of fire safety.”

Leong made the remarks during yesterday morning’s Open Day opening ceremony, as well as the closing ceremony of the 5th edition and launching ceremony of the 6th edition of the bureau’s programme of Emergency Medical Services Training for Youth. 

Yesterday’s ceremony was also attended by Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak and Deputy Director of the Police Liaison Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government Wang Qianjin, as well as several local association representatives. 

After delivering his speech, Leong presented a training certificate to each of the 40 trainees of the 5th  programme of Emergency Medical Services Training for Youth who had completed their one-year programme – learning the principles of paramedic science, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), automated external defibrillator (AED), wound management and bandaging, ropes and knots, fire-fighting equipment operation practice, basic military etiquette, fire safety experience and exchange activities – and passed the assessment.

Taking their Oath of Allegiance in the presence of Wong, 45 young people formally became trainees of the 6th edition, witnessed by the attending guests yesterday. 

Leong expressed his hope to all the trainees by pointing out that “you will be successful in your studies in the future, and at the same time, you will uphold good morals and ethics, and carry forward the positive spirit of the Fire Youth Corps.” 

Witnessed by Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak (right, front), a total of 45 young local people swear allegiance at yesterday’s solemn start of the 6th edition of the Fire Services Bureau’s (CB) programme of Emergency Medical Services Training for Youth. – Photos: Yuki Lei

A boy dressed as a firefighter poses in the photo-op area during the Fire Services Bureau’s Open Day in Sai Van Lake Square yesterday.


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