Executive chef asks subordinates for bribes: CCAC

2024-05-29 03:25
BY Ginnie Liang

An executive chef working for a gaming company’s food and beverage department has recently been found to have solicited bribes from his subordinates involving a total of 240,000 patacas, the Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) said in a statement yesterday.

An investigation by the CCAC found that the suspect had repeatedly demanded “respect” from several junior staff members by “soliciting dues from several subordinates” every month between September 2020 and February 2023, the statement said.

The investigation found that the suspect had the power to “hire, fire and promote employees”, which allowed him to abuse his authority in the workplace, the statement said, adding that the money received had been taken for kickbacks for job recommendations and contract renewals.

The CCAC encouraged employees of private companies to report illicit acts such as bribe-taking to the CCAC immediately once they discover them, the statement said.

The executive chef has meanwhile been dismissed from his job, the statement said, adding that the case has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) for follow-up investigation. 


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