China plays critical role in regional prosperity: Indonesian scholar

2024-06-07 02:33
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        JAKARTA – “We all know that China’s economy is the most important factor for the prosperity and economic growth of the region,” said Rizal Sukma, a senior fellow at Indonesia’s leading think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies.

In an exclusive interview with Xinhua on Thursday, Sukma, also Indonesia’s former ambassador to Britain, emphasized the critical role of China’s economy in the prosperity and growth of the Asia-Pacific region, being confident in China’s ability to address challenges.

“Expecting China to decline, as some analysts hope, is not reasonable because we believe that China is large and capable of addressing all challenges. Adjustments will take place,” he said.

Reflecting on China’s development, Sukma praised China’s remarkable achievements in poverty alleviation and technological advancement.

“The most impressive aspect for me is lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. It’s not just about the numbers, but also the short time frame in which it happened. This was the result of well-crafted policies by the Chinese government,” he said.

Sukma noted that China, as Indonesia’s largest trading partner and a major source of investment, has made significant contributions to Indonesia’s economic growth.

Looking ahead, he highlighted three principal areas to bolster Indonesia-China collaboration, including the need for increasing investment in Indonesia’s manufacturing sector, China’s assistance in helping Indonesia find new markets, and the acceleration of cooperation in human resources and technology.

Discussing the global implications of artificial intelligence (AI), Sukma stressed the need for international cooperation to regulate AI effectively where China has a pivotal role to play.

“Managing the negative impacts of new technologies, like AI, is critical. This requires global discussions to regulate AI effectively. China could lead these discussions, given its advancement in AI,” he asserted.

– Xinhua


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