9 local productions to premiere at Galaxy Cinemas

2024-06-14 03:31
BY Rui Pastorin

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) said in a statement yesterday that nine local productions are scheduled to premiere at the end of the month at Galaxy Cinemas in Cotai for its “Local View Power 2023” programme.

To be held from June 27 to 30, the statement said that the productions will be screened in six sessions, featuring diverse themes, according to the statement.

The nine productions comprise five short features, namely “Person Under the Tree” by Tang Chi Fai (Freshmen Level); “Before the Downpour” by Mak Man Teng (Freshmen Level); “Hand Hand” by Jarvis Xin (Open Level); “General Parenting Test” by Vitty Ho (Open Level); and “Girl with Amen” by Teng Kun Hou (Advanced Level)

It also features two documentaries, which are “Enduring Grace” by Catherine Ho and Jody Lei (Open Level) and “Zound-Leading” by Loi Chi Iong (Open Level); and two animated movies, namely “Typhoon Tail” by Leong Wai Chon (Freshmen Level) and “Inheritance” by Josie Ip (Freshmen Level).

Post-screening talks will also be held in some of the sessions, the statement pointed out.

Local View Power debuted in 2007 and over 150 films have been commissioned, the statement underlined, with some them even chosen for themed workshops at the 1st Macao International Shorts Film Festival earlier this year.

Tickets are priced at 60 patacas per session, with details available on www.macauticket.com. One can also call the bureau on 8399 6297 or 8399 6295 for enquiries. 

This poster provided by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (ID) yesterday promotes the “Local View Power 2023” programme, which will be held from June 27 to 30 at Galaxy Cinemas in Cotai.


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