Pharmacy staff embezzles over 170,000 patacas in cash, goods

2024-06-28 03:52
BY Yuki Lei

A local woman embezzled last year more than 170,000 patacas in cash and goods from a pharmacy in the northern district during her three month’s employment there by altering the shop’s records on incoming and outgoing goods and falsifying the records of goods being transferred, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Ho Chan Nam said yesterday.

Yesterday’s regular press conference identified the suspect as Chan aged 33, who is no longer working as a salesperson and cashier for the pharmacy after she was found to have embezzled from it.

The Judiciary Police received a report from the pharmacy’s owner in March this year that in December last year, when he did the stock taking and total revenue of his five pharmacies, he found that there was a discrepancy between the incoming purchases, the total stock and the sales revenue, so he asked the employees, during which Chan admitted to embezzlement of more than 170,000 patacas in goods and cash, promising to return the total sum embezzled in March this year. The middle-aged local victim agreed to give Chan a grace period, but when the repayment was due, he only received 30,000 patacas from Chan and had then even lost contact with her.

Chan was arrested on Wednesday when she was entering Macau, Ho said, adding that Chan refused to tell the police the whereabouts of the goods and the stolen money.

A PJ investigation showed, according to Ho, that Chan had modified the shop’s computer records of its stock and cash handover at shift change, and at the same time forged the records of the transfer of goods to the pharmacy’s sub-branches.

Chan was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) yesterday morning, facing charges of fraud involving a considerably large sum of money and computer forgery. 

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Ho Chan Nam poses during a regular press conference at the Public Security Police (PSP) press room in Zape yesterday.
– Photo: Yuki Lei


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