Nape Plot 12 govt office complex to cost up to 1.3 billion patacas

2024-07-17 03:26
BY Tony Wong

The ongoing project of building a government office complex comprising two blocks on Plot 12 in Nape will cost up to 1.3 billion patacas in total, according to calculations based on government announcements released yesterday and previously.

Plot 12 in Nape is bordered by Alameda Dr Carlos D’Assumpção, Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt, Rua Cidade de Braga, and Rua Cidade do Porto.

The government office complex project on Plot 12 is being carried out through two separate tenders – a tender for its pile foundation and basement, and a tender for its superstructure.

The project’s ongoing pile foundation and basement work got off the ground in September 2022 and is now slated to be completed in January next year.

The ongoing pile foundation and basement work is being carried out by Shing Lung Construction and Engineering Company Limited for a price tag of 495 million patacas.

The government launched a public tender last month for the Plot 12 government office complex’s superstructure work. Potential bidders were required to submit their quotations by Monday.

A total of 24 construction companies submitted their bids for the superstructure work, which were unsealed by Public Works Bureau (DSOP) officials yesterday. All bids were accepted.

A statement by the bureau yesterday announced that the quotations for the superstructure work proposed by the 24 bidders range from 731 million patacas to 808 million patacas.

Consequently, together with the ongoing 495-million-pataca pile foundation and basement work, the Plot 12 government office complex will cost up to 1.3 billion patacas in total.

The tender has set a maximum period of 850 working days for the winning bidder to complete the Plot 12 government office complex’s superstructure.

Yesterday’s statement announced that the construction periods for the superstructure proposed by the 24 bidders are identical, 765 working days.

The statement noted that the complex on Plot 12 will comprise a 12-storey block and a 21-storey block on a podium, plus a four-level underground carpark.

Plot 12 covers 6,480 square metres, with the complex to have a gross floor area of 97,550 square metres, the statement said.

The statement noted that as the ongoing pile foundation and basement work is only slated to be completed in January next year, the bureau now expects the superstructure work to get off the ground in the first quarter of next year.

Govt office complex near Cultural Centre to cost up to 1.25 billion patacas

In addition to constructing its office complex on Plot 12, the government is also building another office complex in Nape, also comprising two blocks, namely Plot 25 near the Macau Cultural Centre (CCM).

The government office complex project on Plot 25 is also being carried out through two separate tenders – a tender for its pile foundation and basement, and a tender for its superstructure.

The Plot 25 project’s ongoing pile foundation and basement work also got off the ground in September 2022 and is now slated to be completed in October this year. The work is being carried out by Ming Shun Construction and Property Investment Limited for a price tag of 514 million patacas.

The government launched a public tender in May for the Plot 25 government office complex’s superstructure work, for which 21 construction companies submitted their bids, which were unsealed by DSOP officials on June 26. The quotations for the Plot 25 superstructure work proposed by the 21 bidders range from 663 million patacas to 739 million patacas, according to DSOP announcements at that time.

Consequently, together with the ongoing 514-million-pataca pile foundation and basement work, the Plot 25 government office complex will cost up to 1.253 billion patacas in total.

The government is yet to announce the winning bidder for the Plot 25 superstructure work, which is now slated to get off the ground in the fourth quarter, i.e., after the scheduled completion of its ongoing pile foundation and basement work in October this year.

The complex on Plot 25 will comprise a 12-storey block and a 17-storey block on a podium, plus a three-level underground carpark.

Plot 25 also covers 6,480 square metres, with the complex to have a gross floor area of 80,800 square metres. 

This artist’s rendition downloaded from the Public Works Bureau’s (DSOP) website yesterday shows the future government office complex on Plot 12 in Nape.

This photo taken last month shows the pile foundation and basement work of the government office complex project on Plot 12 in Nape.  – Photo: DSOP


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