Gaming-table supervisor steals HK$400,000 in casino chips with sticky tape

2024-08-06 03:34
BY Yuke Lei

A female gaming-table supervisor using adhesive tape stole a total of HK$400,000 in casino chips from a casino in Zape on at least four occasions while on duty, Judiciary Police spokesman (PJ) Ho Chan Nam said during a special press conference yesterday.

Ho said the local suspect, 56, is surnamed Sam. She started working in the casino in 2007.

On July 22, the Judiciary Police received a report from the casino, saying it suspected that Sam had stolen on three occasions a total of three chips each with a face value of HK$100,000 placed on a roulette table while on duty on June 1, July 3 and July 21 respectively, put them into her waistband, and then hid the chips in her locker during the break until she finished her shift.

Upon receiving the report, the Judiciary Police put Sam under surveillance while she was on duty, Ho said, adding that PJ officers caught Sam red-handed on Sunday when she once again stole a chip worth HK$100,000 from a roulette table.

Under questioning, Sam refused to cooperate with the police, according to Ho, who noted that PJ officers found that there was adhesive tape on her palm, believed to have been used to steal the chips when she was sorting out the chips on the roulette table.

Sam was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) yesterday, where she faces an aggravated theft charge. 

Judiciary Police (PJ) officers escort the hooded theft suspected from the PJ headquarters in Zape to a PJ vehicle yesterday. – Photo: Yuki Lei


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