One more critical flu case: 83-year-old female

2024-08-07 03:33
BY Ginnie Liang

The Health Bureau (SSM) announced in a statement last night that one more critical case of influenza was reported yesterday, a local female senior citizen inflicted with chronic diseases.

According to last night’s statement, the 83-year-old woman came down with a fever and cough on Thursday and she self-medicated with antipyretics. The woman sought treatment at the emergency department of the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre on Friday after suffering from shortness of breath and high fever, the statement said.

According to the statement, the woman tested positive for the influenza A virus in her respiratory specimen, and she was diagnosed with influenza A with pneumonia on Friday. The statement said her condition was worsened by pneumonia and respiratory failure on Sunday.

The patient was transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU) for treatment on Sunday where she was, being in a critical condition, put on a ventilator, the statement said.

The statement said that the patient received a 2023-2024 seasonal influenza jab in November last year, adding that her family members had come down with flu symptoms but have meanwhile recovered.

In order to prevent influenza or other viral respiratory diseases, the bureau urged residents to get vaccinated against seasonal influenza every year, as well as to follow a balanced diet and get enough sleep and exercise.

Residents should maintain good personal and environmental hygiene, such as washing hands frequently, covering their mouth and nose properly while sneezing or coughing, coughing into a tissue, putting the tissue into a covered dustbin, and afterwards washing hands immediately.

The bureau also urged residents to avoid going to crowded places, and people who have flu-like symptoms, or need to take care of a sick person, or need to go to a hospital or health centre should wear a facemask. 

Flu warning poster courtesy of IDPH


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