Woman nabbed for pawning fake diamond ring twice

2024-08-27 02:37
BY William Chan

A woman from the mainland has been arrested for hocking two fake diamond rings in a local pawn shop on two separate occasions, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Lei Chi Hou said during a regular press conference yesterday.

The 51-year-old suspect surnamed Hao told the police she’s jobless.

According to Lei, a pawn shop manager reported to the police last Tuesday that Hao had pawned a fake diamond ring for 35,000 patacas. Hao had claimed that the “diamond ring” was approximately three carats, but it was later discovered, with the help of an equipment inspection, that the material was not a diamond.

After reporting the incident to the police, the shop manager found that Hao had also pawned another fake diamond, valued at HK$45,000, through another staff member last month.

Hao was apprehended as she attempted to leave Macau through the Barrier Gate checkpoint on Saturday. Under questioning, Hao claimed that she had bought the counterfeit diamond rings 10 years ago from a local man, and that she had gambled away all the ill-gotten money.

Hao has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing fraud charges. 

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Lei Chi Hou looks on during a regular press conference yesterday.  – Photo: William Chan


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