Liaison chief urges lawmakers to uphold Beijing’s ‘overall jurisdiction’

2017-03-24 08:01
BY admin

Central People Government’s Liaison Office Director Wang Zhimin has urged local lawmakers to respect and uphold the central government’s “overall jurisdiction” over the city, in order to contribute to Macau continuing to be an example of the successful implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.

The office said in a statement on Wednesday night that Wang made the remarks during a Spring Festival dinner with the city’s lawmakers at San Chok Un Guesthouse (New Bamboo Mansion) on Penha Hill.

According to the statement, 29 lawmakers, including Legislative Assembly (AL) President Ho Iat Seng and Vice-President Lam Heong Sang, attended the dinner. Four lawmakers did not attend the dinner – directly-elected lawmakers Antonio Ng Kuok Cheong and Au Kam San, indirectly-elected lawmaker Cheang Chi Keong and appointed lawmaker Fong Chi Keong.

The statement did not say why the four legislators were absent.

Apart from the 29 lawmakers, Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On, two officials from Chui’s office and two officials from the legislature also attended the dinner, according to the statement.

Wang said the city’s legislature had made “irreplaceable” contributions to the successful implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.

Wang summarised three points which he said had led to the good performance of the city’s legislature – namely the lawmakers promoting the “Loving the Country, Loving Macau” core value; the lawmakers carrying out their duties in strict accordance with the nation’s Constitution and the Macau Basic Law; and the lawmakers insisting on the “institutional arrangement” of the legislature being based on the Basic Law.

Wang urged the city’s lawmakers to follow three guidelines, so that Macau will continue to be an example of the successful implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.

Wang urged lawmakers to respect and uphold the central government’s “overall jurisdiction” over the city, adding he hoped that they will always be faithful to the country and Macau.

Wang called for lawmakers to strengthen their awareness of the nation’s Constitution and the Macau Basic Law. He said he hoped that lawmakers will strengthen their cooperation with the government so that bills will be reviewed and passed more quickly in the legislature and their quality will be enhanced.

Urging lawmakers to ensure a smoother operation of the legislature, Wang said it would help with the economic diversification of the city and enable Macau to grasp the opportunities resulting from the continued development of the country.

Wang also urged lawmakers to continue to strengthen their awareness of the “Loving the Country, Loving Macau” core value, so that the “democratic and harmonious” operation of the legislature” unique to Macau will remained unchanged.

Ho also said it was the first time that a Spring Festival dinner for lawmakers had been organised by the office.

Wang is the highest-ranking central government official posted to Macau.

Central People Government’s Liaison Office Director Wang Zhimin (centre) makes a speech while Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On (left) and Legislative Assembly President Ho Iat Seng look on, during a Spring Festival dinner hosted by the office for the city’s lawmakers at the New Bamboo Mansion on Penha Hill on Wednesday night. – Photo: Liaison Office’s website



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