Group petitions elex committee, prosecutors over ‘harassment’ by rivals

2017-09-15 08:02
BY admin

Sulu Sou Ka Hou, the first-ranked candidate of the New Macau Progressives (ANPM) electoral group, No. 7 on Sunday’s ballot, said yesterday his group had petitioned the Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee (CAEAL) and the Public Prosecution Office (MP) about its “harassment” by three rival groups on Wednesday.

The three groups are Ou Mun Kong I (“Macau Righteousness”), No. 17 on the ballot, Mutual Help Grassroots, No. 22 on the ballot, and Association of Macau Activism for Democracy (iD), No. 23 on the ballot, according to Sou’s group.

According to a copy of the petition sent by the New Macau Progressives group to reporters and video footage posted by Macau Concealers, a social media outlet under the New Macau Association (NMA), when Sou’s group was carrying out campaign activities in Areia Preta on Wednesday, Wong Wai Man, who heads the Mutual Help Grassroots, was pushing a trolley past the venue. He stopped and yelled insults and swore at Sou’s group members, according to the video footage.

The petition says that Sou’s group then called the police. After the police arrived at the scene, they admonished Wong and told him to leave. However, Wong didn’t leave and wandered around the area.

Shortly afterward, Lee Sio Kuan, who heads the Ou Mun Kong I (“Macau Righteousness”) electoral group and Lee Kin Yun, aka Street Fighter, the first-ranked candidate of Association of Macau Activism for Democracy group, arrived at the scene and yelled insults at Sou’s group members.

Speaking to reporters outside Iao Hon Market before carrying out campaign activities in the area yesterday, Sou said he was worried that the three groups would go further in their “harassment” of his group, adding that Wong had even played with a Chinese spear near Sou’s group on Wednesday.

Sou said the three groups had crossed his group’s bottom line, adding that he had petitioned the authorities about the issue.

Sulu Sou Ka Hou, the first-ranked candidate of New Macau Progressives (ANPM) electoral group, No. 7 on Sunday’s ballot, speaks to reporters yesterday outside Iao Hon Market before campaigning in the area. Photo: Debby Seng



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