Non-resident worker dies after gas explosion

2017-10-05 08:02
BY admin

A non-resident worker who suffered serious injuries in a gas explosion last month died on Sunday, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Ho Chan Nam said during a regular press conference at the PJ headquarters in Nape yesterday.

Ho identified the victim as a 42-year-old worker from the mainland surnamed Li, who shared a flat with a friend at Va Pou Garden in Avenida Olímpica in Taipa.

According to Ho, his friend on hearing a loud noise coming from the living room on the morning of September 9 rushed in and saw Li lying there, after which he called the police.

When the police arrived, they found that all the windows in the flat were broken. After inspecting the scene, the police said that the blast was caused by a gas leak.

The police received a report from the public Hospital Conde de São Januário Centre on Sunday that Li had died earlier that day.

The Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Ho Chan Nam poses during a press conference at the PJ headquarters in NAPE yesterday. Photo: Joel Chu


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