Govt starts ICT products recycling scheme today

2017-10-10 08:05
BY admin

The Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA) is launching a one-year pilot scheme today for the recycling of computers, mobile phones, televisions and various other ICT (information and communications technology) products. The bureau aims to obtain experience through the pilot scheme for the possible launches of recycling schemes of other electrical products in the future.

A press conference about the scheme was held yesterday at the bureau in Estrada de D. Maria II.

According to the bureau, items in the scheme include desktops, laptops, LCD/LED monitors and televisions, Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors and televisions, printers, scanners, toner/ink cartridges, projectors, routers, speakers, keyboards, mouse devices, tablets, mobile phones, and landline phones.

Addressing the press conference, Chan Kwok Ho, who heads the DSPA Environmental Infrastructures Management Centre, said that the relatively recent models of computers collected by the recycling scheme will be donated to local charities, while the contractor will dismantle the older models. After dismantling them, materials that can be recycled will be separated, Chan said.

Residents can leave their used ICT products at the reception of the bureau during office hours, three fixed collection points at designated times, as well as the bureau’s mobile collection vehicle, which will be parked at different locations across the city, according to Chan.

According to a statement from the bureau yesterday, the three fixed collection points are a service centre run by the Macau General Union of Neighbourhood Associations (commonly known as Kai Fong) near the Ruins of St Paul’s, a Kai Fong service centre at Nova Taipa Gardens, and a recreational area at Coloane’s Seac Pai Van public housing estate. The collection times for the first two collection points are every Saturday, while the Seac Pai Van collection point is open on the last Saturday of every month, according to the statement.

The mobile collection vehicle will be parked at designated times at 16 locations on the peninsula and Taipa during the one-year period of the pilot scheme, according to the statement.

The bureau will provide door-to-door collection services for schools, non-profit organisations and government entities free of charge, Chan said.

According to Chan, these institutions can contact the contractor for the door-to-door collection services after they have accumulated a quantity of their used ICT products. He also said that his bureau would strive to promote the collection of ICT products by all local schools.

According to Chan, the free door-to-door collection services will not be available for private companies.

Chan advised residents to delete any files, before they put their devices at the collection points.

Chan said the bureau aimed to obtain experience through the pilot scheme for a “large-scale” recycling operation in the future. He said that his bureau, for instance, would strive to launch a recycling scheme for other types of electrical appliances in the future.

Chan also said that the pilot scheme aims to raise residents’ awareness of the reduction, reuse and collection of recyclable waste.

Chan said his bureau hopes that 50,000 ICT items will be collected during the pilot scheme.

Chan said that his bureau has granted Zhongxing Vannex (Macau) Limited the contract for the scheme at a budget of 4.6 million patacas.

Chan said his bureau chose the company as its parent company in Hong Kong has ample experience in related activities.

Chan said his bureau estimates that about 19 tonnes of ICT used products are dumped in Macau every day, almost 7,000 tonnes a year.

After the dismantling processes, Chan said that metals and plastics will be taken to the mainland for further processing, while printed circuit boards will be sent to Japan for further processing.

Kwok Ho, who heads the Environmental Infrastructures Management Centre of the Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA), addresses yesterday’s press conference at the bureau about its pilot scheme for the recycling of ICT products.

The mobile collection vehicle for the ICT products recycling pilot scheme is parked outside the Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA) yesterday. Photos: Tony Wong



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