Macau enters flu peak: health chief

2018-01-24 08:00
BY admin

The Health Bureau (SSM) said yesterday that Macau has entered the peak period of influenza and urged residents to get vaccinated against the flu as early as possible.

The bureau hosted a press conference yesterday to brief the media about the latest situation of the prevalence of seasonal influenza in the city. The press conference was held at the public Conde de Sao Januario Hospital Centre.

Addressing yesterday’s press conference, SSM Director Lei Chin Ion said that Macau entered the winter influenza season at the end of last month.

Lei said records and data from the public hospital and the private Kiang Wu Hospital showed that the incidence of influenza in the city has rapidly increased, adding he believes that Macau has already entered the peak period of the potentially fatal disease.

Lei said that the number of influenza patients seeking treatment in the two hospitals rose sharply last week. He was quick to add that the current situation is still less severe compared to the peak of influenza in the summer last year. He said that the number of flu cases during the current peak is roughly half the number of cases recorded during last summer’s peak of influenza.

Lei also said that despite the increase in the number of patients with flu-like symptoms seeking treatment, most of them suffered relatively mild symptoms, adding that so far there have been only a few cases requiring hospitalisation.

Lei also said that no severe or fatal cases have been recorded since December.

Lei noted that his bureau has bought 120,000 doses of vaccine for the current winter influenza season, adding that 103,500 doses have already been administered.

Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On contracted influenza last week, forcing him to take 5-days sick leave. According to an official statement, Chui has made a full recovery and returned to work on Monday.

Health Bureau (SSM) Director Lei Chin Ion addresses yesterday’s press conference about the city’s latest situation of seasonal influenza, at the public Conde de Sao Januario Hospital Centre. Photo: GCS



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