Deception again and again

2018-03-19 07:57
BY admin

Recently, the Falun Gong sect claimed on The Epoch Times website that the number of people joining the Tuidang Movement, which urges Chinese to quit the Communist Party of China and its affiliated Chinese Youth League and Chinese Young Pioneers, now reaches over 300 million, and plans to hold parades of celebration in HK and other places in the near future. We have to ask; however, how is it possible that 300 million people have been persuaded to withdraw from the party and its affiliated organisations in just about 10 years? Does it take only two years to raise the number by 100 million? The truth, on the contrary, demonstrates that blatant fraud is what lies behind this astonishing number.

The term “tuidang” means “withdrawing from the (Communist) Party (of China).”

How the Falun Gong sect cheated to raise the number of people joining the Tuidang Movement two years ago still leaps before our eyes: the video clip on the Internet then showed that they used without their permission the names of Chinese who visited America, claiming that they have joined the Tuidang Movement. Netizens have criticised Falun Gong’s countless evil deeds to spread rumours and deceive the world when the video clip came out. From the change of Li Hongzhang’s birth date when he turned himself into the leader of Falun Gong to propaganda about alleged cases of “persecution”, from vamping up rumours about the removal of people’s organs in labour camps to casting malicious aspersions on the Chinese government’s alleged abuse of human rights, we realise how mischievous and insidious this cult is. And the claim of so many people joining the Tuidang Movement is an even bigger lie! The movement is the priority project of Falun Gong, which fraudulently claims that its number has now reached 300 million. Falun Gong is hyping up the bogus number and regards it as the greatest achievement of movements against the Communist Party of China (CPC), referring to it as a ticking time bomb for the destruction of the CPC. Their high profile deceit has been quite successful. For more than 10 years, the Tuidang Movement has attracted the attention of international media and foreign governments with ulterior motives, by using the social media to slander the Chinese government and to support the Tuidang Movement. But the truth is that they try every way to make up the fake number of those joining the movement, using rumours and aspersions. Now we know that Falun Gong has been deceiving the whole world all the time!

The author wishes to identified as Pasing.


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