Well-known Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang briefed local government officials yesterday on his work and the central government’s approach towards diplomacy and international relations.
According to a statement released by the Macau Government Spokesperson’s Office, Lu’s briefing took place at the invitation of the office, which is headed by Victor Chan Chi Ping, who has been director of the Macau Government Information Bureau (GCS) since the establishment of the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) in 1999. During the lecture, which included a question-and-answer segment, Chan sat next to Lu. The lecture took place on the Mong Ha campus of the Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT).
It was the first time that Lu conducted a lecture in Macau. According to the GCS statement, Lu also briefed the about 200 attendees on his work as one of the three spokespersons for the Foreign Ministry.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang conducts a lecture about his work and the central government’s diplomacy and international relations, at the Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT) yesterday. Photo: GCS