Culture chief urges to be ‘practical’ about Estoril fate

2016-03-17 01:41
BY Leong Lok Ian

Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) President Guilherme Ung Vai Meng said yesterday he hoped that regarding the fate of Hotel Estoril residents will put the past behind them, as that would be more practical than to rake the coals over the same subject.

Ung made the suggestion when talking to reporters after a phone-in programme hosted by Ou Mun Tin Tou, government broadcaster TDM’s Chinese-language radio station. IC Cultural Heritage Department Chief Leong Wai Man accompanied Ung to the station.

Early last year the government announced plans to redevelop the long-vacant casino-hotel, which was built by the city’s then-gaming monopoly STDM in the early 1960s, and its adjoining swimming pool.

Please read the full article in our print edition.

This photo taken yesterday shows Hotel Estoril, which the government-appointed Cultural Heritage Council on Tuesday deemed unworthy of preservation. – Photos: Leong Lok Ian

Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) President Guilherme Ung Vai Meng (right) speaks to reporters after a phone-in programme hosted by TDM’s Chinese-language radio station yesterday, as IC Cultural Heritage Department Chief Leong Wai Man look on.


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