Police nab marital rape suspect

2018-11-28 08:00
BY admin

A local woman was allegedly raped by her estranged husband in her parents’ flat in Areia Preta district on Sunday because he was upset with her leaving him and taking their daughter with her to her parents’ home while he was living on the mainland, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Chan Wun Man said during a special press conference yesterday morning.

The 32-year-old local woman works as a dealer in a casino. The suspect is a 31-year-old local resident surnamed Che who is unemployed and currently lives on the mainland.

According to Chan, the suspect was angry with his estranged wife for taking their seven-year-old daughter with her to her parents’ home, and he also disagreed with his wife’s parents looking after their daughter.

Che came to Macau at 7 a.m. on Sunday, waiting for hours to take revenge on his wife in her parents’ flat in Areia Preta. 

When his wife left home at 4:30 p.m. to go to work, Che allegedly dragged her back into the flat, grabbing her around the neck and covering her mouth, and then allegedly raped her on a bed without a condom, according to Chan.

The victim tried to escape by hailing a taxi but her husband managed to get into the cab as well.

When the taxi happened to drive past the Good Shepherd Centre in Estrada da Vitoria, the victim got out of the cab and went inside to ask for help. The police received a report from the centre about the incident. When the police went there they arrested the suspect who was still in the neighbourhood.

The police confirmed after further investigation that the woman had reported the suspect to the police three times between January last year and June this year about his violent behaviour towards her. Due to the domestic violence, the victim moved with her daughter to her parents’ flat, asking for a divorce. She also refused to have any communication and contact with her husband, according to Chan.

The suspect has been transferred to the Public Prosecution Office (MP) for further investigation and possible arraignment on a rape charge.

The marital rape suspect is escorted by Judiciary Police (PJ) officers to a van for transfer to the Public Prosecution Office (MP) yesterday morning after a special press conference held in Zape. Photo : Iong Tat Choi



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