Eco-fair pledges to ‘bring green concepts’

2016-03-23 08:06
BY Davis Ip

The 2016 Macau International Environmental Co-operation Forum and Exhibition (2016MIECF), which will be held from Friday to Sunday at the Venetian in Cotai, will “bring green concepts” to its visitors, Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) Executive Director Irene Lau Kuan Va said yesterday.

Speaking during a press conference at the Macau World Trade Centre yesterday, Lau said Prof. Walter R. Stahel, a Swiss architect globally influential in the field of sustainable development, will be the keynote speaker at this year’s event themed “ Green Economy – Opportunities for Waste Management”.

The forum, in its ninth year, is co-hosted by IPIM and the Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA). It is supported by various organisations and provincial governments in the mainland.

Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) Executive Director Irene Lau Kuan Va (centre) addresses yesterday’s press conference at the Macau World Trade Centre in Nape while Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA) Director Raymond Tam Wai Man (right) and Ou Jun, vice secretary-general of the Guangdong Environmental Protection Industry Association, look on. Photo: Davis Ip

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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