Govt to launch mobile app for checking medical records

2018-12-11 08:00
BY admin

The Health Bureau (SSM) said yesterday that it will launch a mobile application allowing residents to check their medical records stored by the public health sector.

The bureau said that it expects the new mobile application to be launched in the first quarter of next year.

The bureau hosted a press conference yesterday at the public Conde de Sao Januario Hospital Centre to brief the media about the preliminary achievements of the government’s smart health services project that is ongoing.

Addressing yesterday’s press conference, Health Bureau Director Lei Chin Ion noted that the local government signed the Framework Agreement of Strategic Cooperation on Smart City Development with Alibaba Group in August last year. According to the agreement, the Hangzhou-based company will support the local government in building a cloud computing data centre, a big data platform, and a range of smart applications, including some for the public health services, Lei said.

Alibaba is helping
As an important part of the smart city development in Macau, the tasks for the development of the smart health services include the formulation of standards and the development of applications with the help of Alibaba personnel, Lei said.

The smart health services project’s first phase commenced early this year and ended last month, Lei pointed out. The bureau launched a number of programmes this year, including its digital health voucher programme and the improved mobile applications run by the bureau.

Health Bureau (SSM) Director Lei Chin Ion (centre) addresses yesterday’s press conference about the achievements of the government’s smart health services project, accompanied by Leong Kei Hong (left), who heads the bureau’s Organisation and Information Department, and Zhu Jintong, an expert from Alibaba Cloud, at the public Conde de Sao Januario Hospital Centre. Photo: SSM



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