Having made over 50 stops worldwide, the thumb-sized animated “Le Petit Chef” is now in town, presenting a mapping show projected onto the dining table for each guest to follow his gastronomic adventure from France to China as they enjoy a six-course meal.
“Le Petit Chef” (“the little chef”) is a creation by artists of Skullmapping and was first launched in May 2015.
In a squeaky voice in English with a heavy French accent and at times blurting out phrases in French, the 58-millimetre-tall chef tells his Macau patrons the story of his journey that retraces the steps of explorer Marco Polo along the Silk Road, where he picks up spices and ingredients along the way that would become his recipe for success as a restaurateur.
These photos taken recently at a media tasting event shows “Le Petit Chef” projection mapping dinner experience at MGM. Photos: Monica Leong