No meeting with ministries & commissions during Beijing visit: Chui

2019-09-30 07:22
BY admin

Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On said yesterday that during his three-day visit to Beijing where he will attend the central government’s celebratory events for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), there are no meetings scheduled between him and officials of any ministries and commissions.

Chui made the remarks when answering reporters’ questions at Macau Tower after an official reception to celebrate National Day.

The local government announced in a statement on Friday that Chui will lead a delegation of representatives from various segments of Macau’s civil society to Beijing today at the invitation of the central government to attend the celebratory events for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. In the morning of National Day tomorrow, Chui and his delegation will attend a grand gathering celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC in Tiananmen Square, and a military parade and mass pageantry to be held following the grand gathering, the statement on Friday said. At night, Chui and his delegation will attend a grand evening gala in Tiananmen Square, the statement said.

Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On speaks to reporters at Macau Tower after yesterday’s official reception to celebrate tomorrow’s 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Photo: Iong Tat Choi



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