Tourist rapes tourist in hotel after gambling: police

2019-10-22 08:00
BY admin

Police arrested a male tourist for allegedly raping a female tourist after both had gambled in casino-resort in Cotai, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Leng Kam Lon said during a regular press conference yesterday.

According to Leng, the 51-year-old suspect surnamed Sun told the police that he owns a karaoke bar on the mainland. The victim is a 30-year-old tourist. Her personal information was not revealed. Leng told The Macau Post Daily that the suspect and the victim are both tourists from the mainland.

The alleged crime happened on Thursday night. The victim told the police that they met in the casino at 7 p.m. and gambled together, Leng said.

Without a condom

At about 9:30 p.m. Sun invited the victim to “take a rest” in the hotel guestroom where he was staying, according to Leng, who said that when the victim and the suspect arrived at the guestroom, he pushed the victim onto the bed and began pulling her clothes off. Sun raped the victim for 30 minutes without using a condom, Leng said.

According to Leng, the victim called the security guards for help when they both left the guestroom and Sun went back to the casino to gamble.

The case was later reported to the 999 emergency hotline of the Public Police Security (PSP) by the hotel’s security department. Police arrived at the scene and seized Sun. He was transferred to a PJ police station for questioning.

Under questioning, Sun insisted that they had consensual sex. He denied raping the victim, Leng added.

Leng said that the victim was taken to the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre for medical treatment and examination.

According to medical reports, the victim had bruises on her right hand caused by a weapon, Leng said, who did not elaborate on what kind of weapon the suspect allegedly used.

Sun has been transferred to the Public Prosecution Office (MP) for further investigation. He faces charges of rape and causing bodily harm.

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Leng Kam Lon (left) listens to reporters’ questions during yesterday’s regular press conference while Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Choi Iok Kin looks on. Photo: Kristy Chan


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