Liaison chief urges Macau to implement spirit of Xi’s anniversary visit speeches

2020-01-01 07:00
BY admin

In his New Year message released yesterday, Central People’s Government Liaison Office in Macau Director Fu Ziying called for Macau to “earnestly” implement the spirit of the important speeches made by President Xi Jinping during his three-day visit last month in the run-up to and during the 20th anniversary of Macau’s return to the motherland on December 20.

Fu’s message was released on the liaison office’s website yesterday evening.

Fu noted that last month marked the 20th anniversary of Macau’s return to the motherland. “Macau, which had weathered the storm, returned to the motherland on December 20, 1999, on the eve of entering the new century, opening a new era of the practice of ‘One Country, Two Systems’, ‘Macau people governing Macau’ and a high degree of autonomy,” Fu pointed out.

Fu underlined that Macau has enjoyed the best development in its history over the past 20 years with the strong support of the central government and the mainland as a whole and the joint effort by the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) government and people from all walks of life in Macau, demonstrating to the world the successful implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle with Macau characteristics.

‘Workable’ principle that has won people’s hearts’

According to Fu, the successful implementation of the principle has “eloquently” shown that “One Country, Two Systems” has been the best solution to the Macau issue left over from history, and the best system that guarantees Macau’s long-term prosperity and stability. The “One Country, Two Systems” principle is “workable, achievable and has won people’s hearts”, Fu says.

Fu also said that Xi’s visit to Macau to attend celebratory events for the 20th anniversary of Macau’s return to the motherland and also to inspect the city fully demonstrated that the central government is paying close attention to Macau. During his visit, Fu pointed out, Xi delivered a series of important speeches which strongly affirmed Macau’s historic achievements since its return to the motherland in 1999, comprehensively summarised the experiences and characteristics of Macau’s successful implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle, and profoundly clarified the central government’s principled stance on the implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.

Fu also said that Xi’s speeches had provided a set of guidelines for the continuation of the successful implementation of “One Country, Two Systems”. He also said that the president’s speeches would definitely inspire Macau compatriots to advance the “One Country, Two Systems” principle and to improve the “One Country, Two Systems” institutional system.

Fu also said that the central government’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA) initiative were both providing Macau with various opportunities for its future development. Fu said he believed that in the new year, the chief executive and the MSAR government will definitely unite all sectors of civil society, earnestly implement the spirit of the important speeches made by Xi during his inspection visit to Macau, fully and accurately implement the “One Country, Two Systems” principle, act in strict compliance with the nation’s Constitution and the Macau Basic Law, actively integrate Macau into the overall national development, and promote the city’s good tradition of “loving the country and loving Macau”.

Fu is the central government’s top official posted to Macau.

This undated handout photo released by the Central People’s Government Liaison Office in Macau shows its director Fu Ziying


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