Canidrome survivors enjoy 1st Christmas

2020-01-03 07:19
BY admin

When the (Yat Yuen) Canidrome Co. Ltd. greyhound race track in Fai Chi Kei finally closed its doors for good at midnight on July 20, 2018, the huge task of finding homes for the around 532 greyhounds that were abandoned there started. Last month these wonderful animals celebrated their first Christmases in their new homes around the world.

In 2012 local animal protection group Anima President Albano Martins began to lead the fight to get the racetrack closed down as so many greyhounds had died over the 54 years of its existence – hardly any animal came out alive. Martins was later joined in the fight by numerous greyhound rescue organisations around the globe, primarily President of Pet Levrieri Onlus Stefania Traini in Italy and GREY2K USA Worldwide President and General Counsel Christine Dorchak in the United States.

Some of the greyhounds were adopted by families in Hong Kong and Macau, some didn’t make it out of the Canidrome as they died of various health issues and some died during surgery addressing assorted health problems in their adopted homes, but the majority were flown all over the world to their ‘furever’ homes. Here are some of their stories sent by email to MPD Weekender.


Adopter Colleen Anne Collier said, “In June 2019 after three years living and racing at “ hell on Earth for dogs – The Canidrome” – Chill (aka Chill Sing) became one of the lucky Australian greyhound survivors who actually came back home to the country where he was born.

“Chill wants for nothing in his new home. His mum says he gets away with so much more than his other greyhound brother and sister, simply because he can and this being his first Christmas with us – we wanted to give him something we thought he would have fun with. Not just something he could eat or that might get destroyed in the first five minutes. We are retired and as there were no human children to celebrate with, we decided that his present from Santa would be a simple toddler/children’s pool with rubber pool toys.

“We set it up the night before under the outdoor clothesline area. Chill found his pool and after a little encouragement was splashing and playing with his new found toys. The bobbing balls, and rubber rings were a hit. He discovered that he could hold his breath and look underwater for them and then run off with one in his mouth throwing it carelessly in the air and grabbing it again only to lose it eventually in the garden bushes. It was pure delight for him to come bouncing back into the water and look for another or just splash about again and again. You could see it in his face. The exhaustion 40 minutes later as he laid soaking wet on the tiled verandah was well worth it I’m sure. Life is good for Chill 10 months after being freed from his prison. We laugh at his antics and the happiness he displays is infectious. He is loved very much and we hope that his first Christmas with us wiped away a lot of the memories of what he suffered in the Canidrome”.

Another adopter, Cathy Brown, said, “Sasha (Royal Ashero) lives happily with her stepbrother, stepsister and cat sister. Loves going for rides and meeting new people. Her soft bed and green grass are her greatest joys”.

Sharlene Crns, who adopted Eddie (Famous Dog) released from quarantine on May 18, 2019, said, “Originally he was a foster dog, but as his charming nature bloomed he captured my heart so our little pack increased by one, a beautiful soul that comes to work with me every day ... he even participated in an Xmas festival, he was Grumpy Claus, in our work Xmas photos (ironically the devil horns suited him best) & on Xmas Day he celebrated with his fur siblings & friends.. at work & at home ... we luvs [sic] our Eddie so much, thanks to EVERYONE who helped him home.”


Traini in Italy wrote, “Zen (Canidrome name Okay Super) arrived in Italy on the January 4, 2019 with the first of the transports that would bring 154 dogs to Europe for adoption, 65 of which arrived in Italy via Pet Levrieri.

“It has been an indescribable joy to watch Zen spend his first Christmas free, happy and loved, after nearly 10 years of exploitation first in Australia, then in Macau. The Canidrome, with its concrete cages and its grinding racing industry routines is now firmly in the past.

“We will never know for sure what memories he still retains from his dark and grim past, but what is certain is that Zen now relishes deeply every moment of life with a sense of childlike wonder.

“On the January 16, 2020 three more Macau greyhounds will arrive in Italy, where they already have adoptive families waiting for them: Iggy, Lime Size and Élite Choice. We can’t wait to meet them!”

Anna Casini from Italy said, “When Kami (Kamikaze King) arrived, he was the shadow of himself but, being a great warrior, he fought through it alongside his brother Chunky and his sister Asia, and now he is an eleven-year-old baby who watches at the world with amazed eyes!”

Drago McGranitt from Italy said, “2019 has been a particularly hard and difficult year to endure, with many friends who have left because they’ve taken different paths far from mine or have ridden the rainbow, but I am sure I am happy for one thing: I welcomed a small spark of light, an innocent born in the hellhole, who has known only concrete and bars cell throughout her young life, but has retained her spark to warm my cold heart and brighten my tired days with her overwhelming joy. thanks, Giulietta (Julietta). I put all the love I can, and I know that of all the Christmas gifts you have received, the preferred ones have been running, running free and for the joy of doing it, together with sleeping warm and safe always on my heart”.

Paola Ceccarani from Italy said, “Holy Sen has lived happily in our family in Italy since February 1, 2019 where she finally got to know the respect and love she deserves, she has such a sweet soul and she is so affectionate despite her past.

“Holy Sen, like other greyhounds, spent her years locked in a cell of a few square metres sleeping and spending the hours of the day on cement; she only left the cell to train and compete ... I can say that she knew hell.

In July 2018, thanks to the splendid people who fought for the closure of the Macau track, this torture ended.

It is a great joy for us to have celebrated this Christmas together with Holy Sen ... her first Christmas with the little gift that she opened with so much curiosity”.

Annalisa Benato from Italy said, “Mia was born in the Canidrome and she arrived in our lives in March [2019]. Now she lives in Italy with us and four furry brothers. This was her first Christmas as a free and much-loved dog. We are so grateful for this big and wonderful present!”

Bettina Frei-Hilligardt from Switzerland said, “Tamoko (Dand Rat) arrived in Milan on January 23, 2019. Now he lives in Switzerland with a galga from Spain (CriCri) and a street dog found in Napoli (Paco).

[Galga is Spanish for a female sighthound]

He loves to play, in the snow, sleeping in bed and go out for his walks in the nature. He is a super lovely boy. He is still a bit shy with people, but with other dogs he is simply perfect. We love him so much and we are so happy that he is here with us”.

Myriam Payne from the UK said, “For us the greatest gift this year was being able to share Bella’s (Lamma South) very first Christmas as part of our family. She, Ramsey and Blue [her brother and sister hounds] each opened a present when they woke up, before enjoying a special doggy Christmas dinner for their breakfast. Watching her playing with her squeaky bear, wrapped up nice and warm in her elf coat was the best thing ever, and a far cry to the way she spent last Christmas, alone in a concrete cell with only a brief respite of some cuddles and chicken treats from the wonderful volunteers. Being able to FaceTime with Lesley and Jerry so they could see her on Christmas was very special, and we’re so grateful every day that she is part of our family”.

Tamiz Moe Kaur from the UK said, “Lady Bekim on arriving in the UK in February 2019 was given her free name Emily and was adopted in July 2019. Emily found adjusting to life in a home overwhelming, sounds from the television, phone etc. and reflections, all scared her. Given time, space and two friends, a greyhound and a Chihuahua Cross, Emily is now loving her free life of food, toys, beds but most of all being outside just watching the world go by. She a happy clever girl, curious about everything and stealing anything that she can reach, shoes, post and remote controls.

“There was much excitement surrounding her first Christmas, including photographs with Santa and Pheby, also from Macau, at her favourite shop Betty and Butch, and a trolley load of food from Marks and Spencer’s. Christmas Day included, opening presents, a walk with friends, playing with her new toys and lots of cuddles. She closely observed the cooking of her Christmas dinner (the full works of roast turkey and all the trimmings) chattering the whole time, which she thoroughly enjoyed eating. The look of wonderment and contentment on Emily’s face was the best Christmas gift”.


Vickie Howard said, “Honey (Sure Honey Honey) got a new wardrobe for Christmas to keep her warm in the cold Philadelphia winter! She’s been enjoying meeting friends and family and spending lots of lazy time at home with her mom. She’s such a sweet, playful, loving girl and I feel so lucky to have her!”

Matt Osoki said “Cleopatra (War Movie) is doing very well at her new home in Detroit. She enjoys having a yard of her own to explore and patrol. She has managed to create a running track from one end of our yard to the other and likes to run at full speed for several laps around the yard. She is now used to a regular visit to the dog spa to get a bath and nails trimmed. She also enjoys car rides – we have to pick her up and put her in the vehicle, but she can get out on her own. She enjoys regular walks several times each day around the neighbourhood and really enjoys going out to events around town where she can meet people and other dogs”.

Andrea Seamans said she “adopted Noel Star aka Winning Star right after Christmas 2018- January 4, 2019 to be exact. We bonded right away when I went with Friends of Greyhounds Rescue to pick up her and 4 other greyhounds at Miami International Airport Dec. 12, 2018. I knew we belonged together from the first time we laid eyes on each other. She actually picked me.

This year was her first real Christmas. She has her own stocking that hangs with the others and she was excited to open gifts. Even got her picture taken with Santa. It has been a blessing and great first year with her, can’t wait to spend more holidays with her. She enjoyed opening her presents. No one taught her how, it’s like she just knew”.

Kris Ganssle Carvalho from Pennsylvania said, “Hazel (Miss Victory) was really excited to meet Santa. We thought she would be nervous of the man in the red suit but she backed right into him and sat down! I guess she wanted to tell him all about her Macau friends and the wonderful people who helped them find their new homes.

Santa delivered lots of stuffed toys, treats, a new purple collar, and her favourite, a new squeaky ball! But knowing her friends are all safe & loved was the best gift of all!

Happy Holidays to all the Macau pups and their new families, and to everyone who helped them along the way!”

Brianne Herring from Michigan said, “Boo is loving life this Christmas being spoiled with homemade treats, new toys and a comfy bed to sleep in.

Theresa Pearson said, “11-year-old Journey [aka Brooke Burns] enjoys celebrating Christmas in her forever home surrounded with love in Napa California USA. Journey loved opening gifts, playing with toys and eating turkey.

“In a foster home she quickly [made friends with] the other 2 female greyhounds living there. It was obvious Brooke loved her foster family as they all adored her. Brooke was home. After much thought her name was changed, when her new silk collars arrived and she has never looked back. Journey is a happy confident 11-year-old house pet, just as she was meant to be”.

Michelle Bevan said, “Cee Magic, affectionately known as CC, celebrated her first Christmas quietly. But we did join a Secret Santa from a greyhound group. She made out like a bandit! Santa also knew she was a good girl. She garnered treats galore; mostly ‘people cookies’ filled her bag. Being a foodie but minus most of her teeth and in renal failure she received soft, low protein items. Light, crispy also worked.

Added to the foods were toys. Lots of toys. She couldn’t figure out which to squeak first. Rising to the top of the favourite pile were the turtle stuffy and the lamb stuffy. She frequently made sure they are in her bed.”

Musette Hood said, “Duchess (Duchess Garuna) was brought to the US a couple of months prior to her 10th birthday where she already had a home waiting for her in Longwood, Florida. Duchess was adopted by Musette and Rob Hood on January 17, 2019 and she is happily living with five other greyhounds and a terrier mix. Duchess has such a spunky personality that she fit right in and instantly became one of the family. She also instantly loved all of the available toys, soft beds, ice cubes, and treats. She is also very fond of her younger brother Carson and they are often found close to each other.

“Duchess just celebrated her first Christmas with her family and she happily claimed her new stuffed toy and trotted off to play with it. If she could talk, I’m sure she would say she’s looking forward to discovering what her upcoming 1st Gotcha Day and 11th birthday will bring. But one thing she knows for sure is that those days will be filled with lots of love and doggie kisses”.

Nancy Ann Jones said, “This is actually our Sebastian’s (Noah’s) second Christmas with us. Sebastian just loves to grab the gifts out of our hands and rip into the paper. I am really not sure what is more enjoyable for him; the toy or the paper. He absolutely loves the ornaments on my tree as he has eaten two of them already lol.

Louise Chronister said, “Ozzie (aka Winning Military) came into our lives just over a year ago. In the short time he’s been with us he broke two front toes (in the first week), had an extremely severe bout of gastritis that landed him in the hospital for two days and most recently went thru (sic) a rear toe amputation and cancer was found when it was biopsied. Luckily the amputation was curative in terms of the cancer. But, through all this as well as the huge transition from solitary jail cell confinement for six years to a life of love, freedom, a pack of eight and a move.... he has been relaxed, happy and taking everything in stride with an easy-going demeanour. He has taught me what it truly means to be a survivor and a warrior. We love our boy to the moon and back and are eternally grateful to all who made it possible for him to land on our couch and in our arms”.


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