Consumer Council logs 21 enquiries about surgical masks

2020-01-23 08:04
BY admin

a statement that it received 21 phone enquiries about not being able to buy surgical masks and alleged price gouging by shops selling the masks yesterday.

A joint statement by the Economic Bureau (DSE) and Consumer Council said they and the Health Bureau yesterday beefed up patrols at retail outlets regarding the supply situation of hygiene products.

According to the statement, they found that there was a shortage of surgical masks at some retail outlets, and that some shops had increased the price of surgical masks.

In the statement the Consumer Council urged buyers who notice shops hiking the price of surgical masks to collect information about the situation such as by taking photos of the price tags and report their findings to the council via Whatsapp on 62980886.

The statement urged businesses to refrain from hoarding of products and price gouging, and to heed their social responsibility.

A pharmacy in the northern district yesterday displays a sign telling buyers that “masks are sold out”. Photo: Maria Cheang Ut Meng


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