Shops adopt ‘protective’ ways to serve customers during coronavirus crisis

2020-02-07 17:47
BY admin

Many shops and cafés were closed yesterday,notifying customers that they are joining the government’s effort to tackle the novel coronavirus threat, after the government ordered the temporary closure of casinos and other entertainment venues that began on Tuesday midnight.


The move by the government came after the city recorded its 10th patient with the virus on Tuesday morning, three of which are local residents, with the 8th and 9th patients being from the same family.


The government has also begun using different ways to urge the public to “stay at home, don’t assemble” as the city has entered the “critical moment” of the epidemic prevention effort, urging the public to cooperate with the government in fighting the virus menace. 


This message was seen on large LED screens on exterior walls of different government buildings, and heard from pre-recordings through megaphones on government people carriers going around the peninsula, Taipa and Coloane.


Many shops have put up notices saying that they are temporarily closed until further notice to avoid infection.


Some eateries that are still open are providing a take-away service only. Some have put disinfectant on towels on the doormats for customers to wipe their shoes before entering the premises.


Banks have closed some of their branches with only a few selected branches remaining open with shortened business hours,and supermarkets are closing earlier than their regular operating hours.


A grocery store near Rotunda de Carlos da Maia, commonly known as the Three Lamps, has put up a piece of perspex at the cash registers to prevent direct contact between the cashier and customers. 


A bakery chain has put up a notice informing the public of its arrangements for staff, such as providing non-local resident staff with temporary accommodation in the city and some staff who are living in Zhuhai are on unpaid leave after their annual leave or Chinese New Year holidays. 

The bakery also said that its business revenue had dropped drastically due to the virus threat and said it hoped that all staff could overcome this difficult time together with the company.


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