‘Smart city’ needs mutual trust between govt & public: lawmaker

2016-04-29 08:01
BY admin

Lawmaker-cum-urban planner Jose Chui Sai Peng said yesterday that the government and the public must trust one another if Macau is to become a ‘smart city’.

A ‘smart city’ is an urban development vision to integrate multiple information and communication technology (ICT) solutions in a secure fashion to manage a city’s assets, according to Wikipedia. 

Chui, vice-chairman of the government-appointed Science and Technology Council (CCT), made the remarks on the sidelines of yesterday’s Smart City Seminar at the Macau Science Centre in Nape.

Lawmaker-cum-urban planner Jose Chui Sai Peng speaks to reporters on the sidelines of yesterday’s Smart City Seminar at the Macau Science Centre in Nape. Photo: Leong Lok Ian

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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