Seac Pai Van health centre is too small: civic leader

2016-05-04 08:00
BY admin

The Health Bureau’s (SSM) Seac Pai Van provisional health centre is “too small” and is not able to meet the growing demand for healthcare in the neighbourhood, Sin Chi Young, a vice-convener of the government-appointed Islands Community Services Consultative Committee, said yesterday. 

Sin, who heads the Macau Elderly Sports General Association, made the remarks when addressing a committee meeting with government officials in a community centre run by the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) in Rua da Ponte Negra yesterday. Part of the meeting was open to the media.

“The medical professionals there are good and even the security guards and cleaners are keen to serve residents, but the health centre is too small. I estimate that it covers less than 2,000 square feet,” Sin said, adding, “However, the community services centres nearby cover at least 5,000 square feet each.”

Sin Chi Young, a vice-convener of the government-appointed Islands Community Services Consultative Committee, addresses a committee meeting at a community centre run by the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) in Rua da Ponte Negra yesterday. Photo: Davis Ip

Pedestrians walk past the Health Bureau’s (SSM) provisional health centre in Seac Pai Van yesterday. Photos: Davis Ip

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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