Non-gaming revenue growth target is scientific: Leong

2016-05-06 08:00
BY admin

Secretary for Economy and Finance Lionel Leong Vai Tak said yesterday that the target for the gaming industry’s non-gaming revenue growth in the government’s proposed Five-Year Development Plan (2016 – 2020) was based on scientific data. 

Leong made the remarks on the sidelines of yesterday’s reception celebrating the 8th anniversary of the Alliance of Common People Building Up Macau (API) at The Plaza Restaurant in Zape.

The government last month announced details of the plan’s draft version which aims to lay down a blueprint for how the city can achieve its double aim of becoming a world centre of tourism and leisure, and a trade and economic co-operation service platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries (collectively known as “centre and platform” policies). 

Secretary for Economy and Finance Lionel Leong Vai Tak speaks to reporters on the sidelines of yesterday’s reception celebrating the 8th anniversary of the Alliance of Common People Building Up Macau (API) at The Plaza Restaurant in Zape. – Photo: Leong Lok Ian

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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