US politicians’ shortsighted decisions harm everyone

2020-04-17 02:47
BY admin


     BEIJING – The US administration’s unwise decisions are adding one case after another to show how shortsighted decisions made by some politicians pursuing selfish political interests can cause humanity’s public health security in danger.

During a world health crisis, the US administration has announced halting its funding to the World Health Organization (WHO), the most authoritative and professional international institution in global public health security.

At a time when the WHO needs to be strengthened with more resources, the US decision, made out of attempts to shift blame on its own failure to act swiftly and competently to protect public health, will not only weaken the WHO’s capacity and undermine international cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, but also negatively impact the United States itself.

The decision was not the first shortsighted one by the US administration recently.

Since the outbreak, some Washington top officials have been trying to expand their political influence by spreading lies about the origin of the virus and groundlessly accusing China of “disinformation” and “cover-up.”

However, they have failed to deliver clear and consistent messages on the state of the epidemic in the United States and the required solutions.

They attempt to evade public criticism on the critical shortage of protective gear across the United States but have shown no signs of rethinking how tariffs on medical supplies have made them more expensive and less accessible to the public, thus impeding the response to the epidemic.

In a word, they do not miss a chance to scapegoat others for the damage their decisions have brought to the United States and the international community. Now the tactic has gone so far as to demand compensation from China for the spread of COVID-19.

The costs of such shortsighted decisions have emerged, with more people losing their jobs, their health care and their lives.

Epidemic response requires international cooperation and responsible actions. When the time is wasted by unwise decisions based on unilateralism and egoism, history will tell the consequences. 

  – Xinhua


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