Views divided on election campaign spending cap

2016-05-12 08:00
BY admin

Opinions were divided last night over the election campaign spending cap proposed in the government’s amendment bill to the Legislative Assembly Election Law. While some called for a lower cap, others said they felt a lower cap would be disadvantageous for newcomers.

A consultation session for civic groups and government-appointed consultative committees was held at the Tourism Activities Centre (CAT) in Zape yesterday.

The government is carrying out a month-long public consultation on the amendment bill until June 5. According to a consultation document released last week, the government proposes a number of changes to the law such as banning lawmakers and election candidates from holding any foreign political position.

Macau New Chinese Youth Association Vice President Lao Cho Chon expresses his concerns during yesterday’s consultation session for civic groups and government-appointed consultative committees at the Tourism Activities Centre (CAT) in Zape. Photo: Leong Lok Ian

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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