Walking trails littered with facemasks: IAM

2020-05-27 01:40
BY admin

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) said in a statement yesterday that its staff members have found that some of the city’s walking trails are littered with used facemasks, urging the public to protect the environment.

The statement said that the bureau started to strengthen cleaning of the various walking trails – many of them on the city’s hills, by increasing the number of rubbish bins, requesting the Macau Waste System Company (CSR) to carry out its cleaning tasks there more frequently, and arranging additional bureau staff to remove rubbish that had accumulated along the walking trails.

The statement said that IAM officials still find large quantities of rubbish scattered along the walking trails and the forested hill areas around them. In addition to used tissue paper, plastic bottles and fruit peel, IAM staff even found used facemasks dumped there, the statement said, adding that the situation adversely “affects environmental hygiene and destroys the natural environment of the forested hill areas”.

The bureau urged people to be responsible and protect the forested areas. In order to avoid any adverse impact on the natural environment, wildlife and fellow hikers, hikers should properly dispose of their rubbish so as to “jointly contribute to Macau’s beautiful natural environment”. 


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