2 cops, 1 retired cop probed for fake employment of Vietnamese women

2020-05-29 04:04
BY admin

The Public Security Police (PSP) said in a statement last night that two police officers and a retired police officer have been transferred to the Public Prosecution Office (MP) for the “fake employment” of three Vietnamese women in Macau.

According to the statement, the Public Security Police discovered some time ago that an officer surnamed Chao who joined the police in 1992 had pretended to be the employer of two Vietnamese women so that they could obtain a non-resident worker permit (colloquially known as “blue card”) and stay in Macau. During an investigation into the case, the Public Security Police later discovered that another officer also surnamed Chao who joined the police in 1991 had acted as a bogus employer of another Vietnamese woman, the statement said.

The statement didn’t elaborate on whether the Chaos are related.

The statement pointed out that the Public Security Police discovered that the two police officers helped the Vietnamese stay in Macau by arranging “bogus employment” for them after having been approached by a “middleman”, a former police officer surnamed Tang who retired last year, about the scheme, the statement said, adding that the trio were members of a gang helping Vietnamese people stay in Macau for purely financial reasons.

The statement said that the trio have been transferred to the Public Prosecution Office, facing charges of document forgery and membership of a criminal organisation.

The statement said that “the Public Security Police regret the incident” and have launched disciplinary procedures against the trio, apart from having suspended the two serving officers.

A statement about the case released on the Secretariat for Security (GSS) website last night said that the Public Security Police had discovered the case through its “internal supervision mechanism”.

According to the GSS website, compulsory measures has been imposed on the trio – they must present themselves to the Public Prosecution Office once a month. 


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