Artist exhibits exploration through mixed media

2020-06-16 02:16
BY admin

The Ox Warehouse launched the “Art-City-People” Exhibition Series entitled “Journey-Memory-Fragment” by artist Li Xiaoqiao at the Post-Ox Warehouse Experimental Site early this month. The event is co-sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and Macau Foundation (FM), according to an article on the gallery’s Facebook page.

Li was born in Guangzhou and now lives in Hong Kong. He graduated from the Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM) with a Visual Arts (Education) bachelor’s degree in 2010 and in 2016 a master’s degree in Visual Arts: Printmaking from the Camberwell College of Arts of the University of the Arts London. He is currently a PhD student in Visual Arts Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University, according to the article. 

The exhibition aims to showcase Li’s current work on the process of data transforming into new visual data. The first image becomes a moving image which is in different format and organisation of information. The new outcome is the “in between” of the first image and the moving image. This is the exploration of the physical process and methodology of surface, space and memory through the crossing of media: drawing, printmaking, photography, moving images, and projection, according to the article.

The article underlines that Li is particularly interested in creating a “visual noise” in images, as a device to attain certain types of meaning such as: darkness, ambiguity, melancholy in perceptuality. The “noise” does not mean “sound” but “mixed messages”. 

One of his works, a so-called “game-video” entitled “Fragment Never Gone”, gave Li an alternative to communicate in digital application, as a study on how images manifest in time and space, according to the article.

Li’s prints, photographs and mixed media works explore his upbringing and identity, as well as the physical, temporal, and psychological aspects of city life. His goal is to explore and expand the boundaries of printmaking in the digital age, according to the article.

The exhibition is on display until July 12 on the 1st and 2nd floors of the Post-Ox Warehouse Experimental Site at 15, Rua do Volong, from noon to 8 p.m. daily, except Mondays. Admission is free.

Visitors are required to wear a facemask and apply hand sanitiser when entering the venue.

For enquiries call 28530026 or visit the website:

Photos: Camy Tam


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