Art Fat showcases her computer drawings

2020-07-20 01:42
BY admin

An exhibition organised by The Manga-Art Creative Association of Macau (M.A.C.A.M.), entitled “Art Fat and First Heart: Fantasy Travel Series”, by local artist Fion Lei Wai Leong is on display at the 10 Fantasia gallery. 

The exhibition co-hosted by 10 Fantasia and the St. Lazarus Church District Creative Industries Promotion Association, according to an unsigned article on 10 Fantasia’s Facebook page.

Lei told The Macau Post Daily by phone last week that she heads the secretariat of The Manga-Art Creative Association of Macau (M.A.C.A.M.) and founded the local handicraft brand “Fion’s Work”. She is also an illustrator of the local illustration brand “Art Fat (Lei’s Cantonese nickname- Ah Fei) and First Heart” (“Cho Sam” in Cantonese, which according to Lei means “original intention). 

She has been a full-time teacher for 13 years in a number of schools, private art centres and special education centres, mainly teaching how to crochet dolls, sew fabrics by hand and paint watercolours. Lei said she started computer drawing last year and found it very interesting.

Lei said she had actually planned to go on an aurora tour this year but it was cancelled due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic. Instead she got inspiration by drawing on her computer 12 pieces of artwork of some of the places she wanted to visit and memories of some of the places she had visited in the past for this exhibition. Lei said she hoped to experience a fantasy journey with everyone through the event.

The exhibition is sponsored by the public Macau Foundation (FM) and part of 10 Fantasia’s Permanent Exhibition 2020.  

The exhibition runs until August 5 in Room B09 at 10 Fantasia, which opens daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (closed on Mondays), at 10, Calçada da Igreja de S. Lázaro. Admission is free. 


Photos: Camy Tam


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