Two Nepalis were arrested on Friday for browsing, downloading and sharing child pornography – the third case in three straight days and the fifth case in a fortnight, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Leng Kam Lon said during a special press conference on Saturday.
The two 25-year-old suspects, surnamed Ghimire and Shrestha, told the police that they are colleagues and work as cleaners.
According to Leng, PJ officers received a notice from Interpol on Thursday that people in Macau were sharing on social media a photo of a young naked Asian girl and a 3-minute pornographic video of a young Asian girl having sexual intercourse.
Leng said PJ officers tracked down the duo and arrested them at their work place in Seac Pai Van on Friday. Both confessed that they had shared pornographic videos of children through communication software.
PJ officers discover three child porn videos and more than 10 sets of pornographic videos and photos on the suspects’ smartphones. The suspects told the police that the three child porn videos had been sent by a fellow Nepali from overseas in February, after which they had forwarded them to others.
Leng said that the pornographic videos and photos seized from the suspects’ smartphones were not the same as the video and photo reported by Interpol. The Judiciary Police said they would continue to investigate whether other suspects are involved in the case.
The duo were transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) on Saturday, facing a child pornography charge.
Warning from Judiciary Police to the public
The Judiciary Police issued a statement on Thursday to alert the public that the distribution or transmission of pornographic videos and photos of minors is a serious crime.
According to the statement, PJ officers have recently been notified by Interpol that a number of people in Macau have been using social media platforms or communication software to transmit or distribute pornographic videos of minors.
As there have been five such cases in a fortnight, the police strongly urged the public not to share, sell or produce such videos. Culprits will face between two and eight years behind bars.
The police reminded residents that “in order to protect your own safety and prevent unhealthy trends from festering, do not download child pornographic materials.
“Dissemination or transmission of such materials such as photos or videos is a serious crime,”
The police issued a warning on the Macau Government Information Bureau (GCS) website which, in addition to Chinese, has also been issued into English, Indonesian, Korean, Nepali Portuguese and Vietnamese, “so that foreigners can better understand the content of relevant laws and avoid committing related crimes.”
Relevant information can be found on the following links:
English version:
Portuguese version:
Indonesian version:
Korean version:
Nepali version:
Vietnamese version: