2 local artists express their thoughts on ‘trend of life’

2020-07-27 00:57
BY admin

An exhibition co-organised by 10 Fantasia and the St. Lazarus Church District Creative Industries Promotion Association entitled “Trend of Life – good times and bad times”, by local female artists Leong U Pou and Ng Hao Leng is on display at the 10 Fantasia gallery, according to a statement provided by the organisers.

Leong and Ng graduated from the Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM) with a major in Visual Arts (Education) in 2014.

There are 13 oil and watercolours on display at the exhibition, and the duo’s creative medium is mainly oil painting.

According to the statement, Leong and Ng express their thoughts about the flow of life in abstract and surreal forms, as well as by expressing their inner emotions, whether positive or not, through their paintings.

They would like to convey positive sharing vis-à-vis the exhibition’s visitors that even though there are many unsatisfactory situations in life, there are always good times. Both hope to deliver the encouraging message that we will see the light even when we are overwhelmed by negative emotions. We can regulate our mood and start a new stage. Life will be smooth again, is their upbeat message, according to the statement.

The exhibition is sponsored by the public Macau Foundation (FM), supported by Chinese Cultural Industries Promotion Association (CCIPA) and part of 10 Fantasia’s Permanent Exhibition 2020.

The exhibition runs until December 30 in Room C03 at 10 Fantasia, which opens daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. except Mondays, at 10, Calçada da Igreja de S. Lázaro. Admission is free.


Photos: Camy Tam


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