HK ‘back on the right track’: Security Bureau

2020-08-11 16:39
BY admin


HONG KONG – Hong Kong’s Security Bureau yesterday gave its backing to the actions of the police, and their enforcement of the national security law, saying Hong Kong was being brought back "on the right track".


The statement was made in the wake of yesterday’s high profile arrests under the new national security law and the searching of the Tseung Kwan O offices of the anti-Beijing Apple Daily newspaper.

In response to media enquiries, the bureau said it would not comment on operational details. However, it said police had the responsibility to collect evidence, and search warrants were applied for in accordance with the law. It said searches were carried out according to the authorisation under the warrant.


"The Security Bureau staunchly pushes forward and supports the enforcement work of the police in taking lawful measures to prevent, suppress and punish those acts and activities en dangering national security, with a view to safeguarding national security and bringing Hong Kong back on the right track," the statement said.


Later, the police put out a separate statement saying officers of the National Security Department conducted a search operation with a warrant issued by a magistrate.

 It said nine men and a woman, aged between23 and 72, were arrested and that all were being detained for further enquiries.


The statement said they were suspected of collusion with a foreign country, in contravention of Article 29 of the national security law, and of conspiracy to defraud.


The police said the investigation was underway and further arrests might be made.




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