Local pupils express ‘love in time of coronavirus’ with art

2020-08-12 02:58
BY admin

Calligraphies and paintings with encouraging words and colourful depictions of togetherness and people with facemasks are the creations of local pupils for an art activity recently organised by the Macau Chinese Culture and Arts Association.

The activity, sponsored by gaming operator SJM, which urged local pupils to fight the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) with art, received a total of 1,489 entries from 52 local primary and secondary schools, according to a statement by the association last week, pointing out that the overwhelming response signifies the pupils’ determination to combat the disease together with the whole community

Themed “Love in the Time of Coronavirus”, the activity, divided into the categories of “Chinese Calligraphy” and “Painting”, aimed to encourage pupils to express their feelings of concern about the epidemic, contributing to the concerted efforts of civil society in fighting the disease, while promoting Chinese culture and artistic creativity amongst the younger generation, the statement said.

The jury comprised nine veteran calligraphers and arts professionals, and 216 outstanding entries were selected, where each will receive a cash credit for book purchases and an Award Certificate.

In addition, each participating pupil and school will be presented with a Certificate of Encouragement and a Certificate of Appreciation, respectively, in recognition of their support. Due to the epidemic, the dates for the awards ceremony and exhibition of the work will be announced in due course, the statement said.

The association’s chairman Ambrose So Shu Fai, who is also vice chairman and CEO of SJM, said that the overall standard of the artwork was very high, adding that he could deeply feel young people’s concern about the pandemic from their artwork.

“’Love in the Time of Coronavirus’– this is exactly what we want to convey to society through organising the activity,” So was quoted as saying.

SJM Chairman of the Board of Directors Daisy Ho Chiu-fung said, according to a statement, that the artwork does not only reflect pupils’ skills and creativity, but also their positive attitude in combating the disease, adding that the activity has allowed pupils to convey their message of love and blessings to the community by means of calligraphy and painting.


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